gone into hiding

i’ve been planning this for a while and finally… beginning this evening through Monday night, i will be MIA from my blog, other blogs, email, facebook, twitter, phone… pretty much…

time to go on… lay it down…

this is still my favorite movie scene, ever. and now, so frickin’ poignant to my present journey of healing. now is the time

i’m melting

so while i was working last night… i discovered, after the smell of burning plastic, that the power adapter of my macbook pro was MELTING!!! i went on to apple.com…

because you asked…

i am basically finished, but what do you think of the new layout so far? anything look funky or not right? i’m on a macbook pro using firefox. i don’t…

new design tonight…

pinkhairedgirl.net is getting a complete overhaul tonight. i will show you that and answer your questions from my previous post on wednesday. if you have more questions… feel free to…

you ask… i’ll answer

fully aware that i am never going to get 60 questions in an hour like some people, this should be fun either way. ask me anything. i’ll answer. its 9pm…

5 Love Languages

i just retook a 5 Love Languages quiz after several years and some things have changed. quality time used to be last. receiving gifts used to be first. physical touch…