Crystal Renaud Day, MA
CEO and Founder
Founder and Executive Director of Living on Purpose &, pastoral counselor, certified coach, author, podcast host, and speaker.

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Janine Deal, MS

Counseling Staff & Facilitator

Specializations: EMDR, Trauma, Recovery, Multicultural Issues

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Kimberly Johnson, MA

Counseling Staff & Facilitator

Specializations: Recovery, Unwanted SSA, Abuse, Singleness

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Stephanie Madore, CCLC

Coaching Staff & Facilitator

Specializations: Recovery, Identity, Guilt, and Anti-Shame

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Gina Renaud, MHC
Coach/Sr. Chaplain

Coaching Staff & Facilitator

Specializations: Spiritual Care, Church Hurt, Crisis of Faith

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Dana Zickefoose, CLC

Coaching Staff & Facilitator

Specializations: Teens, Parents, Identity, Addiction, Trauma

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Stevie Samborsky
Office & Social Media Coordinator

Whether it's through administrative tasks, managing social media platforms, or sharing the message of love and hope of Jesus, Stevie continuously seeks opportunities to support and empower women on their journey towards healing.