Real Hope for Haiti: Challenge

The Real Hope for Haiti campaign is unapologetically asking for your help and sacrifice. aaron posted this chart today, showing what your sacrifice can do. anne and i together have,…

Real Hope for Haiti: How to Give

since our video yesterday, people have been asking how to give to the Real Hope For Haiti Campaign. all donations through paypal or to their ministry address are tax deductible….

the tattoo adventure [unexpected!] (her real name is anne) and i have been friends for about five years or so now. since she moved 3 years ago i’ve been visiting her wherever she…

what’s hiding behind your mask?

another song came on through the old iTunes shuffle today. more convicting. maybe i should stop listening to music all together. the song was called stain-glass masquerade by casting crowns….

man with tat on his big fat belly

i was listening to DC Talk’s “Jesus Freak” today. yes, i know… hello 1995. to clarify, it came on while i had my iTunes set on shuffle. anyway, it totally…

guest blogging @

just as the title says, i am guest blogging over at today. i wrote a post entitled, “The Good Ole Boys Club”. come hang out and discuss.

little money, big impact

well, it is finally here… today is World Malaria Day. Malaria kills 1 million people each year. Most who die of this treatable, preventable disease are children. A donation to…

sorry we missed your call…

below is the link to a voicemail my department received in reference to the direct mail (also below) we sent out for easter 2008. our mailer was a take on…

better days: update

some of you know that i am all about themes. kristi just wrote a post about her newly discovered theme. and its definitely a good one: “whatever it takes to…