I Should Probably Post Something…

Since making this announcement on Monday, I have been pretty preoccupied with things related to it. And for that, I do apologize for my lack of actual postings this week. But I am excited with how well things are rolling along.

I plan to launch the surveys with the help of a team of bloggers and all around Web 2.0 freaks in a few weeks. If you wanna help too… let me know.


I’ve been sitting here for an hour (no joke) trying to force a post but nothing’s coming. I don’t have pictures of cute kids or family night recaps to post when I am in a blogging block. So, unfortunately you’re stuck with the boringness of a single gal in Kansas.

But, maybe you can help me think of a topic.

What would you like to know?


  1. you could post about Jenni 🙂 haha! Just kidding!

    You could post about your spiritual heros, or MLK jr since Monday is his day, or you could post about a book you are reading…or what you know about macs since I need to learn much about mine…


    I pretty much got nothing…sorry 😛

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