Random Question Friday

see previous random question fridays…

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(Other than Jesus) who is your hero?

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My hero is definitely my mom, Gina. What my mom has endured throughout her life and the class in which she’s done so is inspiring. She wears every emotion on her sleeve, which is something I am almost jealous of at times. I so wish things could affect me the way they affect her. She’s endearingly naive, yet always has advice for every problem or trial. She’s my biggest fan and my greatest cheerleader. She is the funniest person I know and she doesn’t even have to try. I love my mom and am thankful I get to call her mine.



  1. My son is my hero. My oldest. He is amazing and talented and has so much potential. He does not care what other people think of him. I do not know how two people (me and his dad) managed to create someone so amazing.

  2. my son christian is my hero. God used him to wake me up from further self destruction. he teaches me to live, laugh & love…that life is supposed to be fun & lived to the fullest everyday (instead of stressing out) LOL.

    my other hero: single parents especially single mamas who raise/raised their kids to be God fearing disciples of Christ. to handle a job that normally takes 2 people to do is AMAZING & because of that i honor them!

  3. Does it have to be someone still with us? My grandfather Dale is still my hero even though he’s been with Jesus for 15 years this coming Wednesday.

    Wow…I didn’t realize it was 15 years until now. Man, does time fly.

  4. Tina

    It’s a toss up…my mom or my dad. Your mom is a great lady, and she seems as equally proud of you as you are of her. Blessings!

  5. Tina

    AND…I forgot to mention how much I love this photo of the two of you!!!!

  6. jennifer

    my hero is Patti Riddle the way she takes care of her husband is so amazing and she is a great role model.

  7. This might be weird, but I’m not sure I’ve really ever had a ‘hero’. Sure, different people have influenced me, but never any one person. Yup…probably weird 😉

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