back to kansas… back to high-speed internet

“wow” is the only sufficient word-choice to describe this past weekend but i will try and explain more fully. i had you pray for my grandpa because he’s been ill…


when was the last time you used dial-up for internet use? gotta love grandma’s house. (:


I am leaving for the airport right now to head down to Houston, TX. Like I mentioned previously, my grandpa is ill. He’s not a Christian nor has been the…

what it’s all about

49 days… until i jump on a plane and for a short time, experience life in a way i never have before. this video tells what this mission is all…

change bites

Today, our staff meeting was led by Pastor Merle Mees for the last time. Merle, our Director of Ministries, is leaving Westside to join the staff as lead pastor at…

the walmart takeover and over and over

for some reason this isn’t public knowledge yet but a little bird told me today that Walmart has shown interest in building another one of their SUPERCENTERS close by –…

Thank You Captain Obvious

confession: i tend to hide behind a veil of sarcasm. you could even go as far as to say i thrive in sarcasm. i seek out friendships with those who…

Martin Luther King, Jr. Day

As a white women I always find it difficult to speak about oppression or the persecution of races. Because lets face it – I don’t know the first thing about…