How’s God Moving?

so needless to say God is definitely stirring up all kinds of stuff in my life right now… and you can read about that in my previous posts, but i am super curious about where He’s at move in YOUR own life??

i definitely don’t think we discuss such things enough. so, please share. come on. don’t be shy.


  1. God is challenging me to push through the little things that keep tripping me up. It will not be the “big” sins that bring me down, but the small, unnoticable ones that each day throws in my face. I am challenged to make each day, each coversation, each encounter a spiritual one. Not in a weird stand on the table and preach way, but to know that God is with me in each and every situation I face.

  2. Wow what a big question! For me I feel raw, like God is revamping my skin, how I feel, what matters to me and showing me how selfish I really am. It’s good but it’s very painful too.

  3. I can sense God moving all around me, but i feel like theres a barrier thats keeping me from being intimate with Him again. Thanks for asking the question. 🙂

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