Justin Adams – New CD

My long-time and dear friend Justin Adams has finally finished his new CD. It’s been a long time coming but worth the wait.

Here’s what he’s got to say about it.


The new CD “Less Like Me” is finally here and will be released this Friday, June 29th!! YEA GOD!! But if you don’t want to wait until then you can download the entire album RIGHT NOW on my myspace. Just click here to go get it. It will also be available on iTunes in about 2 weeks.

We are doing a NEW CD Release Concert at Westside Family Church on Friday, July 27th at 7p. It’s free and open to the public so if you are in the KC area (or can get here) we would love to see you there!!

We are also planning a CD realease concert out in California but the details are not yet final so stay tuned for more on that.

If you want to order an actual copy (not a digital download) then you can email me at justinrockalot@gmail.com and I’ll send it to you pronto! The cost is $15 plus $2 shipping and handling.

Thanks for all your support and I hope this CD blesses you and speaks to your heart in a very special way.


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