A New Women’s Lib

I wrote the following post for Covenant Eyes’ Blog and it will show up there in the next few days, but I wanted to go ahead and share it with you here. If there’s one thing heaviest on my heart right now, it is this:

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From Roe vs. Wade to lesbianism to birth control, women’s liberation movements have made it their platform to give women a right over their bodies.

Some good and some bad have come out of similar movements in years past. But fast-forward to today and we see women are once again in a fight for liberation.

But this time, it is a personal one.

And one that is more often times fought all alone.

In the last 10 years especially, our culture of sexually provocative advertising and media have aided in the transformation of women, from sexually submissive to into sexually aggressive … and sexually obsessive.

And as such is resulting in rapidly growing addictions to pornography and sexual promiscuity among women today.

A recent article about me, DGM and this whole issue of female porn addiction in the New York Times has struck a cord and left some people saying,

“Is this Crystal Renaud an anti-feminist? Masturbation and sexual exploration with porn use is normal. She is setting women’s lib back 100 years.”

But questions and statements like these could not be further from the truth. What is liberating about a woman being in bondage to sexual addiction?


I know the bondage of porn addiction firsthand as I spent 8 years of my own life in this addiction.

And what is liberating is taking back ownership of what we see, what we hear and what we do. And as a result, living lives free from the things that can keep us in bondage.

That, my friends, is liberation.

As I periodically post on this subject, I hope to shed light on this growing epidemic among women.

And hopefully in the process—spur women on to the real liberation that biblical sexual wholeness can provide.

“You were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the sinful nature; rather, serve one another in love.” Galatians 5:13


  1. Facinating Crystal. I hadn’t read the article by the NYT. So awesome that they were willing to publish it, let alone interview you. Porn addiction within the church is the silent sin NO ONE talks about. If it’s not talked about in relation to men’s addictions, how even much more with it’s relation to women.

    Women who don’t know better do view it as a setback. Women who’s confidence is in Christ and want to remain/be pure do view it as liberation from sin.

  2. You go girl!! I’m right behind you on this one. After living most of my life (50 yrs) in bondage to all areas of sexual addiction, I can truly attest to what you’re saying.

    The problem is that when we’re in bondage to our addiction, we are completely unaware and
    see any attempt to change us as a threat to our

    The best thing we can do now is share our story
    and live the life of true freedom as an example
    to others. Blessings… T

  3. Jennifer

    Crystal, THANK YOU! You nailed it! Satan will use whatever means he can to get us into bondage, whether it is sex, alcohol, drugs, food, etc….he will abuse it! Christ is the only liberator and savior! I honor you for your fight and love of the Lord!

  4. Thank you for having the courage to walk in total liberty. When we are willing to give testament to what we have been delivered from, then God will truly get the glory. However, when we hide, wear masks and pretend that we have done nothing wrong, satan is glorified.

  5. Bianca Juarez

    Beautifully articulated and defended. Great post, Crystal!

  6. Catherine

    I read about the first five comments on the NYT article and had to close the window. I’m so glad you wrote this; I think it was the perfect response.

    Thank you.

  7. Tina

    I agree…..you couldn’t have said it any better! Thank you for standing up for what you believe in….and more importantly “who” you believe in.

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