an update and then some…

thanks for those of you who have been in prayer for my brother. he is doing fine and wasn’t even admitted – just a few tests and x-rays and he was on his way. thank you so much.

on to other things…


i miss my friend anne.

yep… she left kansas for texas just over 24 hours ago so now it has truly become quite real. she has taught me so very much about life, love, friendship and just so many things i can’t even write them all out. this amazing woman who God

brought into my life in such perfect timing is no longer a part of my every day life but definitely a part of who i have become. to my friend anne – you are going to be missed so dearly but i thank you for the incredible impact you have made in my life in just the short 2.5 years we’ve known each other. very few people have affected me in the mighty way you have. i love you and am certainly always going to keep you close and you certainly can’t get rid of me.

i can’t wait to see you again in may!!!!!!

other pics…



(look closely in this last one – sneaky kristi jumping in the pic and anne is high-fiving someone in the background too… haha)


  1. So glad that your brother is okay. Dan still isn’t back with my phone…I will call you though. Thanks for the update. That picture is funny. You always look so pretty in pictures.

  2. Happiness

    HAPPINESS!! In case you couldn’t detect it, that was said very loud, in a delightful squealish sort of way. Let’s get together again soon.

    P.S. I’m so honored to have made the blog.

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