… and the Beginning of a New One

See I am doing a new thing! Isaiah 43:19 (NIV)

Welcome friends (new and old) to what I hope will be something pretty amazing. A Dirty Girls Ministries blog is something that has been a long time coming and I could not be more excited to see it come to fruition today.

The idea behind this project is to take what the Dirty Girls Ministries website offers now—and expand it to address many different areas of brokenness among women in the Christian community.

However, my voice will not be the only one you’ll hear.

We’ve created this platform to be a collabrative effort of many voices—from many different life experiences—sharing in areas relevant to DGM and our mission of seeing women become sexually whole.

These topics will include (to name a few):

  • Women’s Pornography and Sexual Addiction
  • Testimonials of healing and restoration from addiction
  • Discussions on tough subjects like sexual abuse, infidelity, abortion and homosexuality
  • Challenging posts on grace, integrity and second chances
  • Spousal Support (wives of sexual addicts)
  • as well as some (fun, quirky, random) updates from me
    (pinkhairedgirl isn’t totally gone, mind you!)

So, take a moment to subscribe and also tell us what you’d like discussed or what you’re most excited to read about.

I, along with the other featured authors are really looking forward to what will transpire here together.

With hope,
Crystal Renaud
Director, Dirty Girls Ministries

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We’re not quite decent yet, so if there’s anything wonky going on (be it with the layout, comments not working, or anything at all) please let us know. Please note that all posts from PinkHairedGirl.net have been moved to this site. Use the search box to locate any previous posts you may want to reference.


  1. I love watching leaders being obedient to God’s leading even when it means giving up something that took 1/4 of their life. You’re an inspiration to many, Crystal. This is also just the beginning. 🙂

  2. I am really excited with all of the topics you guys have chosen. I am especially excited to see how you will handle homosexuality. I will definately stay tuned because who doesn’t love a good controversial topic.

  3. Awesome stuff. As I have said many times, don’t forget about us little people when you are big time.

    I think this seems like exactly the right move…

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