Monday Weigh-in #10

Sorry for the late posting today. It has been kind of a weird day, plus I am sick with a cold. But it is still Monday, so it counts!

How was your Thanksgiving? Did you have all your favorites? I did. And I didn’t feel bad about it at all. Instead of cooking to accommodate my allotted Weight Watchers points, I decided to make a deal with myself.

Workout every day… and thoroughly enjoy Thanksgiving.
And that I did.

I worked-out 7 out of 7 days last week — and although I didn’t lose an extraordinary amount of weight from doing that – I did lose a couple of inches. My body is building muscle… and to me, that’s better than losing pounds! And quite the accomplishment for someone like me who just 9 weeks ago never really “worked-out” a day in my life.

That’s about all I have to say about my week.


Here’s my week’s numbers…

*Weight(lbs): 209.6
*Pounds Lost: .9
*Inches Lost: 2.75

*Weight(lbs): 210.5
*Pounds Lost: 3.3
*Inches Lost: .75

(since Sept. 29, 2008)

*Pounds Lost: 16.3
*Inches Lost: 14.75


The 50,000 Pairs in 50 Days Challenge


  1. Way to go gurl… I am trying to be more conscious of the things I eat. I am getting up the nerve to commit fully, but the water is really cold and my swimsuit is really small. I am praying that you have a tremendous week both with choices and with workouts! 🙂

  2. Silent J

    I just want to say don’t take this down. I realized this week that I am actually waiting in anticipation to see how well you did each Monday. Silly, its like reality bloging?

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