Weigh-in #15

First of all — thank you for your encouragement last week when my weigh-in was less than desirable and my attitude followed suit.

After my poor weigh-in last week, it became clear that the mirror that I once used to view myself is broken. I used to have incredibly high self-esteem when it came to how I looked. Being overweight never really bothered me. It is almost as if in my effort to lose weight and be healthy, I’ve become obsessed with my looks, with the number on the scale and whether or not my double-chin shows in pictures. I talk down about myself and I don’t take compliments about my weight loss very well. Or if I do, it is with a disclaimer like, “thank you, but I still have 70lbs to lose.”

How did this happen?

I want nothing more than to be healthy on the inside and on the outside — and be pleased with every victory. Without the obsession. And that’s what I want for you too.

This was definitely a better week. I worked out every day (for at least 30 minutes). And I ate relatively well with a few splurges here or there. I was shocked with my weigh-in today though. Shocked!

I’ve officially hit the big 20… can you believe it?

Here’s my week’s numbers…

*Weight(lbs): 205.6
*Pounds Lost: -3.7

*Weight(lbs): 209.3
*Pounds Lost: +2.8

(since Sept. 29, 2008)

*Pounds Lost: 20.3


  1. congrats!

    you brought up a good point. i too have noticed my self-esteem and stuff has gone down since i’ve been trying to lose weight.

    thanks for sharing your heart and progress.

  2. Oh that is awesome. Great job!
    That makes up for the two bad weeks totally.

    Your body is just messing with your head 😉

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