what he said…

from justin adams


For a while now, I have been praying about and burdened for the “Professional Christian.” As I have written about in previous blogs, I’m concerned at the expectation and pressure that is placed on church leaders to maintain a spotless, or at least a “better-than” image. The problem is, no one is perfect…no one is spotless…no one is “better-than”. Left unchecked, an environment of hiding and denial can be created where the leadership becomes a group of people who have signed an unwritten pact to avoid the shame of confessing their sin…..and at worst… buy into the illusion that they don’t have any. While honesty and authenticity are said to be encouraged by the leadership, they are seldom valued. We say we want the truth….but the truth is….to quote Jack Nicholson…”We can’t handle the truth.” To which I would add, “out of the light of God’s grace.” Grace among leaders isn’t given much of a chance.

I believe there is hope for restoration and healing.

In response to this burden, Mary Beth and I feel the Lord has called us to start a ministry to ministry leaders. We’re calling it “Restore Worship” and God is already directing us and laying the foundation for this new journey. I’d love for you to check it out at www.restoreworshiponline.com.

I’ll continue blogging through the new ministry at restoreworshipblog.com. Please RSS the new blogsite and stay in touch.

–Justin Adams

a pinkhairedgirl personal side note: if you are a ministry leader, i urge you to check out this new ministry. justin is a dear friend and i am honored to have been involved in the launching of this ministry, even if it was just in the area of identity and website design. God is on the move through the healing and restoration of our churches. join the revolution.

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