Praying for Prison Inmates

Westside (my church & employer) has teamed-up with a ministry discipleship program at Lansing Correctional Facility (one of largest maximum security prisons in the nation). The ministry is a program where the inmates learn the Word of God and develop skills to contribute back to society (most of these guys are within a few years from the end of their sentence).

After much prayer and talks with their warden, we have taken this group of prisoners in as our 4th church campus.

Each week they have a service (through watching our regular weekend message via video) and worship with an inmate-led band. About a month ago, our worship team even went up to the prison and put on a worship leadership training. Pretty awesome.

What is really cool, is that from time to time, we get a list of prayer needs from the inmates. I thought I would post them here as well so you can be in prayer for the inmates, their families and their needs.

As long as I keep getting them, I will keep posting them.

Prayer Requests for the Week of May 24, 2009

Anonymous – pray for Larry F. in Jefferson, MO. May the Lord continue to strengthen him in his job as Director of IFI Missouri. Ease his anguish and sustain him.

Joey – please pray for my mother and two sisters. Pray that they find happiness and success. Also, I pray that they both get married. Pray for me that I may have a breakthrough of some of my strongholds.

Tyran – I’d like prayer for my fiancé (Shana) that in her move back to KC from Wisconsin that she would be blessed in finding work, and a decent place to stay. Also that God would strengthen our relationship that we would get married and grow old together while serving Him.

Anonymous – pray for my sister Bev who has fallen back into her drug addiction. Ask the Lord to make her path difficult to the point of repentance. God bless you all.

Anonymous – That my son and daughter have a safe trip to and from North Carolina. Thank you.

Shawn – my son’s name is Todd. I have been in Lansing for almost 3 years. I have a court date on about June 22 in Johnson County for a DUI from 3 years ago. I will find out if I have to server another year in county jail or if I will be released and allowed to be an active part in my son’s life. He really needs me out there to show him a life for God. His mom and boyfriend don’t talk about God at all. Thank you and God bless.

Anonymous – I have a preaching calling on my life and I want to honor it. I lack focus and faithfulness. I need the help and prayers of God’s people. Thanks.

Kevin – asks for prayer for reconciliation and healing with his ex-wife, Brittany, her family and my family, and for employment opportunities to open up for me in December 2009. Thank you.

Joe – I would like to pray for family restoration with my children, father, mother, and brother. Also that God will change my heart and remove doubt.

Anonymous – Please pray for my mom’s healing. Please pray that I would receive visits from my family and for my finances back home. God bless.

Tyrone – please pray for family restoration and that the Lord will provide a place for me to go and grow when I get out, 24 months.

Kevin – pray for continued physical healing (in medical clinic for past 2 months). Pray that I would be restored to the IFI fellowship soon.

Trent – prayer for Donna Woods to grow in knowledge of Christ, she is a new Christian.

Brian – pray that I will be reunited with my son.

Waylon – prayer that God would take all my sinful pride and self-centeredness away. And also for strength and a stronger heart.

Joseph – pray that Kris Howard’s muscle degeneration doesn’t progress any further.

Marcus – prayer for my mother Becki, she’s going through some tough times right now. Pray for my brother Billy that the Lord may lift him up out of a life of sin, before it’s too late, for tomorrow isn’t promised.

James – for my wife Crystal and her salvation. That she and I would be reconciled to one another. God will keep revealing Himself to me and that my obedience will be swift.

Anonymous – prayer that I would stay strong during the rest of my time in prison. That persecution in other countries would stop.

Sidney – please pray for my father who is aging in pain.

Jack – pray that my daughters Stacey and Patricia would come to Christ and allow their hearts to be healed. That my daughters and I would be reconciled. I enjoy the fresh breeze of the Spirit that Westside brings to IFI. Thank you!

William – please continue to pray for my marriage to Lakeatha and for my mother’s health (Judith). Protection for all my grandchildren this summer.

Anthony – That I do not depart from the way of the Lord, I allow God to continue working in me. I love you Jesus! You lead me. Live through me Lord. Engulf me and consume me. No more me, but all of you. I love you Jesus. I am moving to a correctional facility in Nevada on Tuesday. I would like to reconcile with my family. Thank you Westside, you made me feel like part of the family!

Kelly – Jesus, help my children and my relationship with them (Brock & Tara). They live in Wichita and I have not had contact with them in years.

Cleon – for my continued strength along side with Jackie, Kelana and Teneka – my children’s mothers. Also, that I hear from Jackie who’s in the middle East.

Manuel – my wife (Connie) is thinking about divorcing me. She has another man in her life. I need prayer for her heart to come back to me.

Karl – that the Lord would continue to show and help me along. Thank you Lord for my family, friends and enemies all be in Jesus’ hands. I love you Jesus.

Andrew – I need a place to stay when I get out of Lansing in 50 days. Purity in my thought life. 2 Corinthians 10:3-6. Also, conquer my fear of being released 7/14/09

Luis – for my wife Ashley Arana to find God and for His will in our marriage. Please pray for faith, joy and peace to into her heart. Please also pray that I can hear from her and my son.

Brian – that my son and I may be reunited, and that I may be a better follower of Christ.

Derrick – for my mother, Beanna Shane’s health. Also, that I will have a place to reside upon my release.

Thomas – for the Lord to bring my broken relationships with my brother and sister back together.

Tuan – for God’s will to be done in my life.

William – prayer for those who are struggling to overcome addictions. For my daughter Ivy to help her through the wilderness that she is in now and that she will know that paradise is real.

Josh – for my family, and for further wisdom and knowledge. For my mom’s surgery to go well and for healing.

Rodney – For the Woods family to be faithful to the will of God. Also to keep them from harm and from the things of this world. For them to trust God in all that they do.

Nicklus – For my wife, she is cheating and is caught up in the flesh. Protect her from the Devil and temptation.

Timothy – For my dad who is sick and in an out of hospital, his name is Dave.

Shawn – for my Grandma – she lost her husband last week – for strength in these tough times. For my friend Mike and his family and friends.

Ryan – appealing civil lawsuit against me. My wife Amanda and daughter Jacie could be evicted soon.

Ray – pray for my wife. She hasn’t been able to visit me.

Robert – would like a mentor for his wife from Westside.

Jerome – help with my job on the streets. Open doors for me and my loved one’s. I could use visits from loved one’s now and to be supported from the city. Pray for hope for those without any, love for those without love.

Damian – I will be leaving Lansing and moving on to Wichita work release. I ask you to pray for God to show me mercy & grace along the way and in the transition. Also, in finding work. Thank you.

Robert – prayer for everyone involved in the parole board event. Prayer for family member, support group, IFI staff, inmates, society.

Re-Entry Center – would appreciate prayers for God’s will in fixing up this facility and supplying it with volunteers and resources to help inmates as they reenter the community.


  1. I concur with David…in fact by the time I finished reading them I was crying…Our God is so amazing. I will be praying for these request and for this ministry…what a neat opportunity.

  2. mpt

    great posts from your trip. i enjoyed your journey. love TAM! jealous that you got to hang with she and her hubby.

    look forward to the book.



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